
The Georgia Genomics and Bioinformatics Core (GGBC) is the University of Georgia (UGA) core laboratory for nucleic acid sequencing and bioinformatics. Our mission includes research support, education, and training. Our services are available to university and industry researchers.

Our services encompass the range of genomic techniques and applications, sequencing technologies, and bioinformatics analyses. GGBC operates multiple platforms for short-, long-, and single-molecule sequencing reads  (i.e., Illumina MiSeq and NextSeq, PacBio Sequel, and Oxford Nanopore MinIon). We also write letters of support (LOS) to offer our capabilities and expertise for grant applications submitted to funding agencies.

Training and internships are available to UGA students from biological, statistical, and computer sciences departments. Training includes learning state-of-the-art methods for a variety of sequencing platforms and bioinformatics analyses.

We continuously work to streamline, improve, and innovate novel genome technologies.  Please contact us about your project. We look forward to assisting you in your scientific endeavor.

Graphic about Georgia Genomics organization: consultation, grants, innovation, training and education, customers, and services